Jamieson Lab

Shipping AI Solutions - Safely!

We develop and deploy state-of-the-art AI systems to solve real-world clinical and medical education problems.
We embrace dynamic, interdisciplinary collaborations with creative and ambitious leaders who share our vision for how AI will transform health care and science.

See our research
Spatial Biology scans

MAY-2024: Headed to https://sail.health/event/sail-2024/ to present Rubrics to Prompts and share how we successfully piloted deployment our AI grading system at the Simulation Center with medical students.


SEPT-2023:Lab awarded Azure credit grant from Microsoft's Accelerating Foundation Models Research initiative to run experiments with GPT-4!

Project Title: Rubrics to Prompts: Expert-level Performance Assessment and Feedback in Medical Education with Foundation Models 


See how to deploy advanced LLMs locally (like Mixtral-8x7B) as we have on the powerful BioHPC here at UTSW! :