Lab News

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July, 2024

Congratulations to Madeleine on her thesis defense!

Specialized mitochondria reside within filopodia

June, 2024

Madeleine's study identifying a specialized population of mitochondria that reside in filopodia is posted on BioRxiv!

Check out the preprint here!
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May 2024

Our work identifying a dynamin-like protein that helps maintain cristae shape is published in Current Biology!

Read the paper here!
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April, 2024

The lab proudly celebrates its first graduating PhD student! Congrats Oguz on a successful thesis defense!!!

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March, 2024

Alia's work identifying a new factor involved in mitochondrial fission is posted on BioRxiv!

Read the paper here!
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March, 2024

Madeleine receives a travel award to present her work at ASBMB!

March, 2024

Oguz is awarded with the 2024 Letia Marsh Pharmacological Award for his graduate school achievements! Congrats Oguz!

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December, 2023

Alia and Abhishek travel to ASCB/Cell Bio 2023 to present their work!

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October, 2023

Abhishek's work identifying a new class of protein that shapes mitochondrial cristae is posted on BioRxiv!

Read the paper here!
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August 2023

Our work identifying an internal protein required for mitochondrial division is published at JCB

Read the paper here!
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July 2023

Oguz and Jonathan travel to the Molecular Membrane Gordon Research Conference to present work from the lab

Stalled mitochondrial division without Mdi1

April 2023

Olivia and Srujan's discovery of an intermembrane space protein required for mitochondrial division is posted on BioRxiv

Check out our preprint on Mdi1

March, 2023

Jonathan travels to the ASBMB annual meeting in Seattle to present our latest work on mitochondrial dynamics

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February, 2023

Jonathan travels to Cornell University and Weill Medical College to present the lab's work. Thanks to Anant Menon and Martin Graef for the invitations and Jeremy Baskin for the photo!

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February, 2023

Oguz's work identifying a novel spatial regulator of mitophagy is published in Journal of Cell Biology

Check out the paper here!
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December, 2022

Alia wins first place for graduate students in the ASCB Minorities Affairs Committee poster competition! Congrats Alia!

Check out the writeup here!
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December, 2022

Alia, Oguz, Madeleine, and Jonathan travel to the ASCB annual meeting. Oguz gives a talk on mitophagy and Alia shares a poster of her work on mitochondrial dynamics