Dr. Jain has mentored medical students, residents, fellows, graduate students, post-doc and junior faculty.
Prior Mentees of Dr. Jain
Find out what projects they worked and also see what they are currently doing.
2008-2009: Gabriela Cantu; Evaluation of hepatitis B as an independent risk factor for type 2 Diabetes in the MACS cohort. University of North Texas Health Science Center. Currently coordinator of Infection Prevention at Baylor Scott & White
2011-2013: Qiuyue Chen, Molecular Genetics, “Hepatitis C virus replicate in subclones of HUH & cells in which antiviral genes are epigenetically silenced.” UT Southwestern Medical Center.
2011-2012: Robert Devereaux, Psychology Department, Perceptions of Illness using HCV as a model. UT Southwestern Medical Center. Currently pychologist in Knoxville, TN
2022 to present: Angie Garcia, MD, PhD candidate in School of Applied Science. Evaluating the role of race/ethnicity in HIV outcomes in Hispanics in Texas. Meet every other week for 1 hour (mentoring);
2009-2010: Kanan Garg, Review literature on the use of tenofovir to treat hepatitis B. University of Texas School of Public Health (Dallas Branch). Currently Analyst at Texas Health Resource
2011-2012: Ankita Vora, Qualitative research on barriers to HCV treatment among HIV/HCV and HCV patients. University of Texas School of Public Health (Dallas Branch). Community Psychiatry conducting clinical trials in Alameda, CA
2004: Rathi Pillai MSII, Summer research program, Organized HIV/HBV Database on Access, obtained serum samples, analyzed data, wrote abstract, and presented poster in January, 2005 at UT Southwestern. Currently Assistant Professor Hematology & Oncology Emory, Atlanta Georgia
2006: Jonathan Boyd, MSII, Summer research program. Developed and organized an Access database of liver biopsies from 2000- 2005. Currently pathologist in Houston, Texas
2006: Shahed Shakouri, MSII, Summer research program,.Analyzed a cohort of 1465 HIV-infected patients to determine who had died after 6 years of follow-up. Developed an Access database to record findings. Abstract chosen for an oral presentation at the 45th Annual UT Southwestern Medical Student Research Forum, January, 2007.
2007-2009: Doan Dao, Independent Research Examined a cohort of patients with HIV/HBV. Collected serum samples and determined HBV viral load and HBV gentotype. Examined the impact of HBV genotype on liver disease progression. Currently Assistant Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
2009: Adolfo Flores, MSII, Summer research program: Examined the relationship of HCV viral load and CD4 T cell count in HIV/HCV patients. Did sequence analysis of HCV diversity in patients with HIV/HCV and low CD4 T cell count and compared to those with high CD4 T cell count. Currently, pediactrician in McKinney, Texas.
2009; Chinonyerem Okwara, MSII, Summer research program. Developed a database for scoring HCV depression scores on HIV/HCV patients. Consented HIV alone and HCV alone groups to assess for level of depression. Analyzed the differences between the three groups. Currently psychiatrist in Temple, Texas
2011-2012: Emerson Chen, Doris Duke Scholar. Analyzed data from HCV survey on knowledge and attitudes towards HCV. Currently oncologist in Portland, OR
2012-2013: Perry Dubin, Doris Duke Scholar. Evaluating clinical outcomes of patients with HIV and viral hepatitis compared to those with viral hepatitis. Currently Internist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
2017: Paul Parisot. Retrospective analysis of the association of Hepatitis C and B-cell lymphoma.
2018: Sabhi Gull. Analysis of HCV patients and barriers to linkage to care.
2018: Paul Parisot. Retrospective analysis of HBV in HIV patients: longitudinal analysis. Currently resident at Vanderbilt.
2007: Ellen Kitchell, MD, Internal Medicine Resident, 1 month rotation on clinical research. Developed HIV/HCV and HIB/HBV database. Reviewed and cleaned data of HIV/HBV dual vs. monotherapy. Currently Associate Professor at UT Southwestern
2015-2017: Christina Yek, MD, Internal Medicine Resident. Evaluate outcomes of HCV patients with DAA therapy.
2015-2017: Carolina de la Flor, MD, Internal Medicine Resident. Evaluate outcomes of HCV patients on DAA therapy. Review article HIV/HBV.
2016-2017: John Marshall, MD, Internal Medicine Resident. Evaluate outcomes on HCV patients on DAA therapy
2016-2018: Amanda Mohammed, MD Family Medicine Resident. Evaluate adherence in HIV patients with depression
2018-2020: Mauro Silva, MD, Internal Medicine Resident. Evaluate barriers to HCV treatment in safety-net hospital system
2019-2020: Victoria Jackson, MD Internal Medicine Resident. Evaluate barriers to HCV treatment in safety -net hospital system
2019, 2021: Joslyn Strebe, MD Internal Medicine Resident. Evaluate barriers to care in HIV/HCV patients in Ryan White Clinic ; COVID-19 clinical trials
2019-2020: Anne Marie Kerchberger, MD Internal Medicine Resident. Evaluate HCV treatment among non-baby boomers
2006-2008: Joanna Shaw, MD, Infectious Disease Fellow, Examined the risk of death in HIV-cohort followed for 6 years. Developed a survey to examine attitudes and behaviors associated with HCV in HIV, HCV, and HIV/HCV coinfected patients. Currently in practice Nashville, TN
2007-2009: Michael Limerick, RN, PhD, Clinical Scholars Fellow. Examined the risk of steatosis among HIV/HCV genotype 1 compared to HCV alone. Developed an assessment tool to examine attitudes and behaviors among minorities with HIV-infection to determine barriers to care; Currently HIV provider
2008-2010: Ellen Kitchell, MD, Infectious Disease Fellow. Faculty Advisor for research project which examined the frequency of HIV-testing in Liver and primary care clinics. Study was supported by a grant from Bristol-Meyers Squibb. Currently Associate Professor UTSW, Associate Medical Director HIV Clinic
2012-2013: Jason Gillman, MD, Infectious Disease Fellow. Faculty advisor and preceptor for HCV clinical trials research; currently works Prism Health Dallas, Texas
2022- present: Alex Radunsky, PhD, post-graduate. HCV evaluation mixed methods. meet every other week 1 hours mentoring;
Gabriella Go, medical student from UT Houston, mentored by Karen Vigil at UT Houston and co-mentored by Dr. Jain received G.E.R.M Award from IDSA.
Dr. Jain's service on national committees:
- Board of Director, HIV Medicine Association. She has been on the Board since 2020 and will serve a 3 year term.
- Member, IDSA COVID-19 Infection Prevention Guidelines Committee; (2020)
- Member, IDSA/HIV MA HIV Primary Care Guidance Committee (2019), (2022)
- Member, Extended Master Protocol Development (Scientific Science Committee): NIH STRIVE NETWORK (2022)
- Member, Biorepository Committee: NIH ACTIV-3/STRIVE (2021)
- Member, Drug Selection Subcommittee, NIH RECOVER Network (2021)
- Associate Editor Frontiers in Bacteriology (2022)
In the News
- Like a detective, infectious disease specialist Jain leads clinical trials to find answers to COVID-19
- COVID-19 clinical trials expand for hospitalized patients and outpatients - CT Plus - UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX.
- Early results promising for UTSW patients enrolled in COVID-19 clinical trials - CT Plus - UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX.
- Searching for the Holy Grail of COVID-19 | COVID | Discovery | UT Southwestern Medical Center. Read the story.
- COVID-19 Research Projects, Funding, Resources, and Publications: UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX.
- A Texas-Sized Fight Against Cancer.
- Multifaceted intervention model tripled HCV screening rates.
- Texas Research Community Works Together to Combat COVID-19 (Summer 2020 Update).
- Conversation with Infectious Disease Physician, Dr. Mamta Jain