
November 2023

Deb's Viscosity-Dependent Swimming Velocity Alterations Manuscript is accepted in mBio!

Congrats to Deb for a great piece of work describing the high velocity swimming motility in high viscosity conditions that also suggest that the C. jejuni flagellar motor naturally evolved for high velocity swimming through viscous conditions. Through genetics, suppressor screens, and dark-field microscopy, Deb identified the VidA and VidB proteins that function to reduce swimming velocity in low viscosity environments. This was a fun journey!

July 2023

Angela joins the lab

A hearty welcome to Dr. Angela Freeman! Angela joins the lab as a Research Associate. We wish the best for her as she begins her adventures in Campylobacter research!

June 2023

Celebrating Deb's 25 years of service to the University of Texas system

What an accomplishment! Congratulations to Deb as a member of Quarter-Century Club. Deb reached this achievement by being a part of the University of Texas team for 25 years! We appreciate all of her hard work and loyalty to the research team and the university system.

May 2023

Amanda passes her qualifying exam

Congratulations to Amanda for passing her qualifying exam. She is now a PhD candidate and on her road to success!

September 2022

Deb presents her research at the Signal Transduction in Microorganisms Gordon Conference

Deb gave an excellent talk about her research on how the swimming velocity of C. jejuni is altered in a viscosity-dependent manner and the factors that mediate this process for the bacterial cell. Such a great series of experiments analyzing a unique aspect of C. jejuni flagellar motility.

January 2022

Amanda joins the research team

Amanda Dobbins joins the lab as the 12th graduate student in the history of the Hendrixson lab. We expect only great things from the research that Amanda will perform in the laboratory!

July 2021

The Lab wins Silver at the Micro Olympics

The Hendrixson Lab takes silver in the 2021 Micro Summer Olympics! The entire lab competed well in multiple events and won the Silver Medal (or Trophy), a basket of goodies, and a lab lunch! Good times were had and a great performance from the lab! Plus, we made some awesome Lab T-shirts - thanks, Deb!

July 2021

An NIH R01 is renewed again

The lab renews an NIH R01 to continue to study the molecular mechanisms of flagellar biogenesis and function in polarly-flagellated bacterial pathogens. This continued funding is the result of a lot of hard work by many great graduate students and research scientists over the years. It takes a great cooperative and interactive team to sustain this level of funding for 20 years!

May 2021

Alexis and Nestor successfully pass qualifying exams

Alexis and Nestor passed their qualifying exams! Both of these great students are now Ph.D. candidates. Great research and fantastic outcomes are ahead!

September 2020

Peter defends his Ph.D thesis

Peter successfully defends his Ph.D thesis! Congrats, Peter! Next, he is off to the University of Wisconsin for his post-doctoral fellowship.

June 2020

Dave does a microTalk podcast

Dave does a podcast for microTalk that is sponsored by ASM and STCEID. Thanks to Karl Klose, Janakiram Seshu, and Mylea Echazarreta for the invitation and the fun time recording this podcast. Be sure to check out this great podcast series as this fantastic team interviews a wonderful array of microbiologists about many interesting topics.

Check out the Podcast

May 2020

Kyle defends his PhD

It's one degree down and one to go for Kyle! Kyle successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis today. Now it's back to med school for the MD! Best of luck, Kyle!

April 2020

Kyle's manuscript about butyrate sensing by C. jejuni is accepted for publication

Kyle's collaboration with Stephen Trent's laboratory identifying Campylobacter jejuni BumSR as a two-component signal transduction system that mediates a response to intestinal butyrate is accepted for publication in PNAS! This work also describes an unusual biochemical mechanism in bacterial signal transduction systems that employs phosphatase activity in response to the detection of a signal. Also, check out the press release from UT Southwestern.

Read Kyle's manuscript

February 2020

Alexis and Nestor join the lab

Welcome, Alexis and Nestor! Alexis Waller and Nestor Ruiz join the laboratory as new graduate research assistants. We are excited to work with them over the next few years and can't wait to learn about the new discoveries they are sure to uncover!

January 2020

Peter's Paper Accepted for Publication in mBio

Peter's manuscript describing a conserved signal transduction system to mediate the polar flagellar transcriptional program across polar flagellates including Vibrio cholerae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Campylobacter jejuni is accepted for publication in mBio! This was a massive amount of work that also combined silico analysis, genetics, electron microscopy, and other approaches. Congrats, Peter!

Check out the Manuscript

November 2019

A New Collaborative Publication between the Hendrixson and Beeby Labs

Our continued collaboration with the laboratory of Morgan Beeby has resulted in another publication! This work just accepted to mBio describes the unusual architecture, composition, and function of the Campylobacter jejuni flagellar C ring. We appreciate the combined efforts of Louie, Teige, Morgan, Deb, CJ, and Dave!

Read the new collaboration

August 2019

The Hendrixson Lab Receives a New R01

The lab is awarded a new NIH R01 grant to analyze the ability of Campylobacter jejuni to sense and respond to microbiota-generated metabolites in the intestines of hosts! We are very grateful for this grant as it represents a lot of hard work over many years by many folks in the laboratory. We anticipate many new findings are just over the horizon!

July 2019

Deb's Analysis of C. jejuni FlgX Accepted for Publication

Deb's paper on the role of FlgX as a chaperone for the stators of the Campylobacter jejuni flagellar motor is accepted for publication by mBio! The paper is a great piece of work.

Read Deb's publication

September 2018

Peter's review is published

Peter's review about Campylobacter jejuni biology and host interactions is published in Nature Reviews Microbiology! We appreciate the invitation from the editors!

Check out Peter's review

September 2017

Joe opens his lab

Former Ph.D. student, Joe Boll, begins his faculty position and opens his laboratory at the University of Texas at Arlington. We are proud that Joe is a fellow colleague in the area!

August 2017

Kyle joins the lab

Kyle Goodman, a MSTP student, has joined the lab. We are eager to see what great new things Kyle will find out about C. jejuni!

August 2017

Paul starts his faculty position

Former Ph.D. student Paul Luethy begins his professional career as an Assistant Professor of Pathology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Associate Director of Microbiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center. We expect you will do great things in this position!

July 2017

Paul's paper is highlighted

Paul's mBio paper describing evidence for Campylobacter jejuni sensing in vivo spatial gradients of short-chain fatty acids to affect colonization of hosts is highlighted in Nature Reviews Microbiology.

Read Paul's paper

June 2017

Peter passes his qualifying exam

Congrats to Peter for passing his qualifying exam! Onward towards some great research and the Ph.D. thesis!

April 2017

Paul's paper is accepted at mBio

Paul's second manuscript that describes uncovering evidence for Campylobacter jejuni sensing in vivo gradients of short-chain fatty acids and organic acids to influence its ability to colonize the avian host is accepted for publication at mBio! We are looking forward to more exploration into this aspect of C. jejuni biology.

Check out Paul's manuscript

March 2016

High-torque flagellar motor structures revealed in our PNAS publication

A multi-laboratory collaboration involving the Beeby, Ruby, Jensen, and Hendrixson Laboratories has resulted in a PNAS publication revealing our structural analysis of the high-torque flagellar motors of Campylobacter jejuni and Vibrio fischeri. This was a wonderful collaborative experience with these labs!

Read the multi-laboratory collaboration

March 2016

CJ successfully defends his PhD thesis!

CJ defends his Ph.D. thesis! Onward to the USDA/ARS for a post-doctoral fellowship in microscopy!

March 2016

Peter joins the lab

Peter Burnham joins the lab as a graduate student. We are excited to have Peter as a part of our team!

October 2015

CJ's first paper accepted for publication

CJ’s work on how FlhG contributes to regulation of flagellar number in C. jejuni has been accepted for publication at Molecular Microbiology.

Read CJ's first paper

September 2015

Will Kolar joins lab

Will Kolar joins the laboratory as our newest research assistant. Welcome, Will!

July 2015

Mickey TeKippe receives the WW Caruth Fellow Research Award

Mickey TeKippe receives the WW Caruth Fellow Research Award! Congrats, Mickey!

May 2015

Paul defends his Ph.D. thesis

May 13, 2015 – Paul defends his Ph.D. thesis. A great end and an exciting new beginning at the NIH awaits!

February 2015

Paul’s manuscript accepted in the Journal of Bacteriology

February 11, 2015 – Paul’s manuscript, “Analysis of the Activity of the Two-component Regulatory System Composed by Cjj1484 and Cjj1483 of Campylobacter jejuni”, is accepted in the Journal of Bacteriology.

Check out the Manuscript

January 2015

Mickey TeKippe joins the Hendrixson and Greenberg labs

January 2, 2015 – Mickey TeKippe joins the Hendrixson and Greenberg Lab’s as a Pediatric Infectious Disease Fellow. We expect many great things ahead from his research.

July 2014

Angelica’s manuscript accepted for publication in Molecular Microbiology

July 8, 2014 – Angelica’s manuscript entitled “Flagellar Biosynthesis Exerts Temporal Regulation of Secretion of Specific Campylobacter jejuni Colonization and Virulence Determinants” is accepted for publication in Molecular Microbiology!

Check out Angelica’s manuscript

October 2013

Angelica successfully defends thesis

October 11, 2013 – Angelica successfully defended her thesis. Onward to UNC!

October 2013

Deb receives a UT Southwestern Medical Center PACT award

October 8, 2013 – Deb receives a UT Southwestern Medical Center PACT award, which recognizes staff who exhibit exceptional service to co-workers and provide outstanding teamwork and collaboration. Deb received this award for her commitment to the North Campus Recycling Program.

August 2013

Joe’s manuscript accepted at mBio

August 5, 2013 – Joe’s manuscript, “A Regulatory Checkpoint during Flagellar Biogenesis in Campylobacter jejuni Initiates Signal Transduction to Activate Transcription of Flagellar Genes”, is accepted at mBio!

April 2013

Joe defends his thesis

Joe defends his thesis. Moving down the road to UT Austin… we wish you the best in science and success!

April 2012

CJ Enters Ph.D. Candidacy

April 26, 2012 – CJ successfully passes his Qualifying Exam and enters Ph.D. candidacy!

April 2012

Paul passes his Qualifying Exam and enters Ph.D. candidacy

February 2012

Angelica’s manuscript accepted in Molecular Microbiology

February 12, 2012 – Angelica’s manuscript, “Identification and Analysis of Flagellar Co-expressed Determinants (Feds) of Campylobacter jejuni Involved in Colonization”, is accepted in Molecular Microbiology!

Read Angelica’s manuscript in Molecular Microbiology

December 2011

Murat’s work named a Faculty of 1000 selection

December 15, 2011 – Murat’s work “Polar Flagellar Biosynthesis and a Regulator of Flagellar Number Influence Spatial Parameters of Division in Campylobacter jejuni” (PLoS Pathogen [2008]) is named a Faculty of 1000 selection.

Read Murat’s work

December 2011

Joe’s manuscript is published in PNAS

December 13, 2011 - Joe’s manuscript, “A Specificity Determinant for Phosphorylation in a Response Regulator Prevents in vivo Cross-talk and Modification by Acetyl Phosphate”, is published in PNAS!

Check out Joe’s manuscript

October 2011

Murat’s manuscript accepted in PLoS Pathogens

October 20, 2011 – Murat’s manuscript entitled “Polar Flagellar Biosynthesis and a Regulator of Flagellar Number Influence Spatial Parameters of Cell Division in Campylobacter jejuni” is accepted in PLoS Pathogens!

Check out the manuscript in PLoS Pathogens

March 2011

Murat Successfully Defends Thesis

March 28, 2011 – Murat successfully defends his thesis. Watch out Sweden, Murat is on his way!

March 2011

Angelica successfully passes her Qualifying Exam and enters Ph.D. candidacy

March 22, 2011 – Angelica successfully passes her Qualifying Exam and enters Ph.D. candidacy.

March 2011

Paul joins the lab as a graduate research assistant

March 9, 2011 – Paul joins the lab as a graduate research assistant.

January 2011

Joe presents his research at the BLAST XI Meeting in New Orleans, LA

January 17, 2011 – Joe presents his research at the BLAST XI Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

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